Friday, November 13, 2009

Fighting cats!?

Yesterday we got two six-month old cats, Rodney and Jasmine. Both from different litters but get on very well together. They were fine last night but have started fighting today. Does anyone know why and if/when it'll stop??

Fighting cats!?
Hopefully when they are old enough you will have them neutered as fighting can be a prelude to mating.

It's possible they are playing.

It's also possible they are attempting to establish their territories.

It's a good idea to keep a spray bottle of water handy. When they start fighting, spray them. The important thing is NEVER to let them see that it's you who is spraying them. The reason for that is then they will associate you with punishment and not do the unwanted behavior only when you are around to spray them.
Reply:You're welcome. Report It

Reply:Maybe you were showing more affection for one over the other?
Reply:Unless one of your cats went outside for a brief moment and got a smell on her. Or it could be that one of the cats wants to be left alone. My two month old cats do the same thing. When one cat wants to be left alone and doesn't want to play with the other, it hisses or scratches. And they'll do that for hours until they finally give in and start wrestling. They'll be friends again sometime the next day.
Reply:they are just working out who is the boss it will stop soon
Reply:1st of all, I am always suprised when people write comments and say " oh it will die down soon"

I have 7 cats and there is only one solution to get multiple cats to get along


Yup , you heard right.. You have got to let them know that neither one gets the power because its yours... I know that may sound strange but I have 3 females and 4 males and they know when I am upset with one or more of them..

It's like they look at the cat that got in trouble and said " Hahhaa, You got in trouble"

Yes , they are seeking to be the dominant cat. If you want to wait for the solution,,, It could take a long time...Especially . if you have 2 very stubborn cats ( cats are naturally stubborn anyway)

The easiest way is to become the Alpha cat .. You make the rules and that solves it.. I know it works .. I am not saying there still won't be problems but There will be less problems...

Cats are like little kids and you have to be the parent... Hope this helps..
Reply:When you first got home with your cats, they were probably a little frightened after traveling and arriving in an unfamiliar place. Then as soon as it got dark, they felt more secure about exploring and getting acquainted with their new environment. The next step then is to establish who's going to be the boss...

Cats establish a hierarchy and constantly keep re-establishing it as new cats are introduced into the home and they test each other to see who will be king or queen of the castle. Sometimes they both think they are, and can't convince the other who's in charge...

They may or may not stop fighting, only time will tell.
Reply:it will die down but right now they are fighting to be the top cat. in every home were there is more than one cat one is alway in chage of the rest. my mom's cat dollie is like this and will show who is boss. so no worrys and if the fighting gets bad get a spray bottle fill it with water and change the setting from mist to the other one and get them wet its the best way to stop the fighting
Reply:Make sure you get them both fixed. Then see if the problem persists. If it does in time one will become the more dominant cat and the other will submit. Just part of nature.

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