Friday, November 13, 2009

Is it all in my head that I could be pregnant??

I finally made an appt. to get on the pill. I was spotting, which I have never done that in between periods (this was a week before I started) I told the doctor I had been really tired and moody. I have been getting really bad night sweats. They didn't give me a test there, just gave me the pill, she said it should help with all of those symptoms. So I started Sunday along with Jasmine and I was vomitting yesterday morning. And I was sick last night too. I know starting the pill can make you sick. So is that all it was? My boyfriend made the comment of how big my boobs were getting. Is this just all in my head??? I think it is, but I don't want to ignore it, if by chance it isn't.

Is it all in my head that I could be pregnant??
First and most important, you NEED to get off the pill. NEVER take the pill if you think you might be pregnant. Did you get your period? All these symptoms are signs of pregnancy. No pills are going to give you bigger breasts. If you're having sex, there's always a chance you could be pregnant. Your best bet is to take a pregnancy test and to get check by a doctor, but tell them you think you might be pregnant. Good luck and God Bless!
Reply:Honey the pill can do this to you. Your body is adjusting. If symptoms do not get better it may be best to get on a low dosage. I never could take the pill. They made me violently ill and had severe headaches.
Reply:The only way to know hun is to go take a test. Also, your doctor should have given you a pregnancy test BEFORE putting you on the pill. That's really strange that they didn't.. You may want to bring that up next time you go in.
Reply:Stop taking the pills right away and go back to the doctor. She should have tested you before she gave them. I don't trust home tests myself, but if that would make you feel better to start out with, by all means get one of those.

Don't go another day without finding out, honey.

Good luck.
Reply:If you think that you may be pregnant, follow your instincts and take a pregnancy test. I'm surprised that the doctor didn't give you on after you voiced your concerns. Ease your mind and stop by the store today to pick one up. Good luck!
Reply:I went to the hospital last night with some of the same symptoms and was NOT prego... thx GOD! I think u should get the test E.P.T is best... take care
Reply:You need to take a test! Especially before you start the pill. If you are pregnant then the pill could hurt the baby. The baby would live, but may have some serious problems. Just take a test to be sure! The doctor should have taken a test first. Not smart on their part.

Good Luck!
Reply:the pill gives you the same symptoms as pregnancy, but to be sure take a test.
Reply:Take a test, it maybe that your just adjusting to the pill, but its better to get it checked out, because if you are pregnant you should stop taking the pill straight away. Good Luck
Reply:That is why you are supposed to wait for the Sunday AFTER your period starts to start the pill. Because there is a chance you could be pregnant. That is how I found out I was pregnant with my first son; I went to get on the pill. They didn't take a pregnancy test, said to wait until my period. My period never came. I would take a test pronto. good luck.
Reply:You could be pregnant, take a test to find out for sure, but most likley it is the pill putting your hormones all out of wack. Take the test just to put your mind at ease.
Reply:Better take a pregnancy test ASAP and find out. All of the symptoms you're having CAN be caused by the pill but you said that they started BEFORE you started taking the pill and if your gut is telling you that it's because you're pregnant, there's a good chance that you are. (I found out at 4 weeks but knew as early as 3 because of a gut feeling)

You know your body better than anyone, listen to it.

Get the test and find out before you take any more pills.

A good home pregnancy test is about 15.00. Worth the small expense.
Reply:take a test to be sure, you should have made your doctor should have given you one before you left her office with those pills especially if you thought there was a chance you were pregnant. so before you take anymore, call her back and make an appointment or go get a home test. good luck
Reply:Take a test to be sure!

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